Abstract |
The combined effect of pine wood waste panels resulting from the different industrial processes to produce window frames and double glazing systems with monolithic aerogel of different hydrophobicity in the gap on the heating, cooling, and artificial lighting energy demand of a typical 70 s residential building in different climatic conditions is evaluated. The scraps obtained from the production of the innovative transparent glazing systems are used to fabricate eco-sustainable panels using natural flour-based glue. A thermal conductivity value of the opaque panels equal to 0.077 W/mK is measured by means of a thermal flux meter methodology. As regards the glazing systems, thermal resistance values of 0.86 and 0.92 m2K/W are measured for hydrophilic HY 0 and hydrophobic HY 10 unit, respectively; as a consequence, a thermal transmittance reduction equal to 65-67 % is obtained with respect to the double glazing unit with air in the gap. However, visible transmittance equal to 0.66 is measured as increasing hydrophobicity with respect to 0.81 of the conventional air glazing unit (reduction of 16 and 19 % with HY 0 and HY 10, respectively), as measured by means of a large integrating sphere spectrophotometer. The experimental data measured on eco-sustainable opaque panels and innovative transparent solutions are implemented in dynamic simulation models. The results show an annual heating energy demand reductions (in the 17 (Bolzano) - 39 % (Palermo) range) and cooling (in the 2 (Bolzano) - 11 % (Rome) range) in different climatic areas. Hydrophobicity has a negligible influence on the results. On the other hand, the energy demand for artificial lighting is not affected by the investigated solutions (maximum increase of 10 % is obtained in Bolzano with hydrophobic glazing system). This work is preparatory for the future possibility of starting a production chain of wood fiber insulating panels in the area, which will be in case fabricated at industrial scale in order to reduce the environmental impacts in the construction process of a building in a circular economy perspective and to improve the energy efficiency of the building envelopes by means of innovative materials. |