Abstract |
amidst the economic, social, and environmental disruption being faced due to the COVI)-19 outbreak, SMEs are being challenged with how best to ensure business continuity. As a result, business continuity and global supply chain performance are disrupted. Due to the damage caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus, if the economic, social, and environmental losses are not addressed quickly, and practical policies and strategies are not adopted, the damage will be exponential. This means that many SMEs will face many crises in the future. Good governance has significant potential for sustainability & continuity of operations of the business, modernizing SMEs, business model innovation, new business development, improving public service delivery, addressing complex development needs and promoting prosperity, and may help achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. In this regard, smart governance to support business strategies remains an important driving force for this transition, especially in the face of international market pressures and global competition. And it offers incredible opportunities to innovate, strengthen and improve efficient practices and bring many benefits. In the meantime, the role of education is vital for sustainability. Education for sustainability leads to the accumulation of human capital in organizations by improving individual skills, abilities, and competencies. Companies that have better sustainability training have enjoyed more sustainable growth and development by using high-tech and knowledge-based products. In today's increasingly complex social environments, many E-governance is working to ensure effective planning, implementation, and delivery of education policies. training in sustainable SMEs helps enthusiasts gain the necessary competence and skills to initiate sustainable enterprises. In fact, companies are no longer just legal in nature, and their main goal is not just profitability and accountability to shareholders. Companies have become citizens who are responsible for society and must become good corporate citizens. Innovative SMEs and their business ecosystems can be a major strength in achieving the goals of green technologies, the circular economy, as well as an innovation-enabling policy- and regulatory framework Therefore, educational sustainability and transition to hybrid organizations are a necessity. In this paper, we are going to introduce a new concept which titled "Hybrid SMEs/SME 5.0 or Tomorrow's SMEs" through the 5th wave theory towards mapping the future education with using the smart governance. |