Abstract |
The objective of this article is to specify period between introduction and decline of HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) market allowing to investors decide about volume of investments into processing facilities. This decision is difficult due to changing political support to technologies of waste processing, circular economy, bio-gas, bio-ethanol, biodiesel and solar energy for vehicles. Therefore, technical indices of fossil raw materials, materials from nature, and waste deposits were evaluated in modified Boston Matrix. Repayment of investments into HVO technology is better than maintaining facilities producing FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) or purchase of diesel from global markets. FAME and diesel were considered as substitutes, while vegetable oil, biodimethyl ether, biodiethyleter and synthetic diesel as alternatives to HVO. HVO is saving GHG and producing protein for feed if nitrogen rich raw materials as oilseed rape are processed. The feed proteins are by-product of biofuel production as EU it is 80% dependent on import of soy meal. Negative EU feed protein balance and better fuel quality will stimulate investors to replace FAME by HVO technology. |