Abstract |
In this research, we present a framework for blended Islamic finance for impactful small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). The blend results from discussing the pertinent perspectives that underlie the motives of philanthropy, private sector activities and public sector facilitation. The consensus of these three stakeholders on the impact criteria is an essential precondition for the blend to happen. Therefore, we first developed the consensus-based impact criteria for SMEs, namely, 4Zeros & SS (zero-waste, zero-emissions, zero-interest, zero-foreclosures and service to society). After that, we adopted a financial engineering approach to design products by blending the three motives. Financial contracts could be incentive compatible and effective if these three motivations are recognized and brought together. The purpose of our research is to offer such incentive-compatible structures that can mobilize funding for impactful SMEs, save cost as well as generate revenue for self-sustainability. In the contract design, the private sector provides finance, the philanthropist pays the costs of funds, the public sector facilitates, and the impactful SME gets subsidized financing. Since the blended nature of the contract provides a social subsidy to fund the cost element of the financing, the proposed structure creates a win-win result for the blending parties. While financial institutions expand into the SMEs sector for profitability, blended Islamic finance will attract additional resources toward enhancing development impact. Through the philanthropic component, SMEs, on the other hand, will access the source of social subsidy that will relieve the burden of the exorbitant commercial rates. The funding structure will reduce risk perception and spur growth. Consequently, this collaborative and innovative contract design will contribute to achieving multidimensional human development, as enshrined in the Maqasid al-Shariah, and the SDGs. Impactful businesses must integrate environmental, social and governance best practices as well as national development goals. Hence, the proposal offers several benefits and prospects of extended use for other consensus-based purposes such as low-cost housing, solar panelling, health, education, etc. |