Abstract |
The aim of work to describe and evaluate possible e-environment tools what influences e-marketing activities which stimulate sustainable business development. Authors classified elements business models and its tools in electronic environment. Authors employed and implemented different research methods - quantitative and qualitative: surveys, grouping analysis, statistical etc. In the basis of theoretical and practical base are researches, scietific publications and materials, media publications, including internet. Main conclusions as a result of this research are as follows: today's technology, e-market, e-commerce, e-business and e-marketing development requires entrepreneurs to rebuild business models cardinally. The main driver of change in business is a consumer, whose power and importance with each passing day becomes more influential. On e-market consumers play very important role because due to modern technologies they have complete accss to the product's information, price and so on in a matter of just few mouse clicks. E-environment and internet provides significant benefits for sustainable business development. The most popular e-tool between Latvian enterprises is corporate homepage, but unfortunately the companies do not use all possibilities of it and their insights of a modern website are out-dated. During researchers authors analyzes customers (potential buyers) and entrepreneurs (sellers) activities in internet and electronic environment. Analyzing business activities and e-environment utilization for business needs authors came to conclusion that most of Latvian businessmen are at the initial stage of the e-tools mastering. Those, who use electronic environment, employ only a small number of available tools; hence businessmen need to be not just computer wise educated, but also be perfectly oriented in cyberspace and know how to work with different tools of electronic environment - portals, including social search engines, data bases etc. On the other hand customers - buyers (or potential buyers) are very active in internet and e-environment. The topic raised in this paper is very wide, so authors considered only the main aspects. This topic demands more profound and detailed study, which authors carry out in their further researches and work. |