Abstract |
There are some differences among regions development in the European Union even within the Czech Republic. European Union regional policy targets all regions and cities in the EU in order to support business competitiveness, economic growth, job creation, improved quality of life or sustainable development. Regional policy is carried out by means of three main funds: European regional development fund, Cohesion fund and European social fund. The paper focused on cohesion among NUTS 2 regions within the Czech Republic by means of cointegration approach. The main aim is to find out whether supported regions tend to equilibrium in long-run and their short-run behaviour. Two cases were investigated: whether NUTS 2 regions tend to national level or EU-28 average level. The key indicator was gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power standards during period 2000 and 2014. Severovychod and Moravskoslezsko regions tend to national level; Jihozapad, Severozapad, Stredni Morava and Moravskoslezsko regions tend to EU-28 average in long-run. |