Abstract |
Sustainable development has been a topic in the Finnish core curriculum for several years, but integrating this cross-cutting theme into a subject-based curriculum is perceived to be difficult. Hence, the city of Lappeenranta has developed its own educational model to support the development of pupils' ecosocial attitudes and abilities. This study evaluates the implemented educational model by empirically examining the pupils' perceptions of sustainability as well as studying differences between different groups of pupils. Analysis methods consisted of a combination of factor analysis, linear regression, and statistical tests for group differences. Young people were discovered to hold three different kinds of orientations to environmental issues and ecological sustainability. These were coupled with different perceptions of science, technology, and business in a way that indicates three different types of perceptions of a more holistic conception of sustainability. The significant differences in the sustainability-related perceptions between girls and boys as well as between pupils with different educational aspirations suggest that in the future, special attention needs to be paid to develop the educational model for better equity and inclusivity. |