Abstract |
Renewable energy resources, particularly wind and solar photovoltaic, are becoming significant contributors to electric power generation. These resources will contribute towards achieving sustainable electric power systems. However, renewable resources will dramatically increase the demand for flexible power system operations. This paper proposes an energy service interface that will allow aggregated distributed energy resources, such as residential loads and inverter-based systems, to participate in NERC-defined smart energy reliability services. Such cyber-physical systems will increase system flexibility by ensuring match between energy supply and energy demand. Aggregation and coordinated dispatch of millions of distributed energy resources will require development of large-scale computing networks. Several smart grid interface-enabling technologies, including IEEE 2030.5, Common Smart Inverter Profile, SunSpec Modbus, and CTA 2045, are discussed. Residential loads are categorized by their static and dynamic energy characteristics to identify services in which they can participate. The business model for the energy services interface as well as probabilistic modeling for resource estimation are highlighted as future considerations. |