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Scientific Article details

Title The Effect of Phases of the Adoption of the Circular Economy on Firm Performance: Evidence from 28 EU Countries
ID_Doc 1099
Authors Moric, I; Jovanovic, JS; Dokovic, R; Pekovic, S; Perovic, D
Title The Effect of Phases of the Adoption of the Circular Economy on Firm Performance: Evidence from 28 EU Countries
Year 2020
Published Sustainability, 12, 6
DOI 10.3390/su12062557
Abstract Although a substantial body of literature has analysed the potential benefits of the circular economy, empirical evidence on the relationship between circular economy-related activities and firm performance is scarce. Rather than analysing only the effect of the circular economy on firm performance, we empirically examine the effects of the different phases of the adoption process of the circular economy on firm performance. Therefore, in this paper, a multiphase framework of circular economy adoption is developed. Employing a propensity-score-matching model on the sample of more than 4000 European SMEs, we show that the adoption of circular economy activities improves firm performance as measured by productivity. In addition, our findings reveal that the impact of circular economy activities on firm performance is dependent on the different phases of the adoption process. Taken together, this study enriches current research on the circular economy by contributing to a more nuanced understanding on the relationship between the different phases of the adoption process and firm performance.
Author Keywords circular economy; firm performance; multiphase adoption approach
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED); Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
EID WOS:000523751400404
WoS Category Green & Sustainable Science & Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies
Research Area Science & Technology - Other Topics; Environmental Sciences & Ecology
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