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Title Influence of synthetic waste fibres on drying shrinkage cracking and mechanical properties of adobe materials
ID_Doc 18143
Authors Bertelsen, IMG; Belmonte, LJ; Fischer, G; Ottosen, LM
Title Influence of synthetic waste fibres on drying shrinkage cracking and mechanical properties of adobe materials
Year 2021
DOI 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122738
Abstract Earthen construction materials are often vulnerable to cracking due to excessive drying shrinkage deformations because of the high content of fine particles. Thus, fibrous materials can beneficially be added, not only to reduce such crack formation but also to improve the mechanical performance. In this study, recycled polyethylene fibres (R-PE) obtained from discarded fishing nets are added to adobe bricks in different fractions (1-5% by weight). Besides a chemical and geotechnical characterization of the raw materials used for the adobe production (Fine-grained Greenlandic sediments (GP) and a coarser gravel fraction (KG)), the investigation described in this paper includes the mechanical properties and restrained drying shrinkage deformations in manufactured, laboratory-scale adobe specimens. The crack formation due to restrained shrinkage is analysed using a digital image correlation (DIC) technique, which allows detailed, continuous monitoring and quantification of surface deformations. The results show that the evaluated adobe material can provide adequate mechanical properties, which makes the raw materials suitable for adobe brick production. From the mechanical tests, the addition of R-PE fibres resulted in improved flexural toughness, flexural strength and compressive strength. A detailed analysis using the DIC technique revealed that the addition of R-PE fibres significantly and quantitatively reduces the degree of shrinkage cracking. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author Keywords Earthen adobe materials; Waste plastic fibres; Mechanical properties; Shrinkage cracking; Digital image correlation
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
EID WOS:000684992300003
WoS Category Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Research Area Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials Science
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