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Scientific Article details

Title Methanotrophic oxidation of organic micropollutants and nitrogen upcycling in a hybrid membrane biofilm reactor (hMBfR) for simultaneous O2 and CH4 supply
ID_Doc 27017
Authors Mortensen, AT; Goonesekera, EM; Dechesne, A; Elad, T; Tang, K; Andersen, HR; Smets, BF; Valverde-Pérez, B
Title Methanotrophic oxidation of organic micropollutants and nitrogen upcycling in a hybrid membrane biofilm reactor (hMBfR) for simultaneous O2 and CH4 supply
Year 2023
DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120104
Abstract Pharmaceuticals and other organic micropollutants (OMPs) present in wastewater effluents are of growing concern, as they threaten environmental and human health. Conventional biological treatments lead to limited removal of OMPs. Methanotrophic bacteria can degrade a variety of OMPs. By employing a novel bubble-free hybrid membrane biofilm bioreactor (hMBfR), we grew methanotrophic bacteria at three CH4 loading rates. Biomass productivity and CH4 loading showed a linear correlation, with a maximum productivity of 372 mgVSS center dot L-1 center dot d 1, with corresponding biomass concentration of 1117.6 +/- 56.4 mg-VSS center dot L-1. Furthermore, the biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole and 1H-benzotriazole positively correlated with CH4 oxidation rates, with highest biodegradation kinetic constants of 3.58 L center dot g(-1)center dot d(-1) and 5.42 L center dot g(-1)center dot d(-1), respectively. Additionally, the hMBfR recovered nutrients as microbial proteins, with an average content 39% DW. The biofilm community was dominated by Methylomonas, while the bulk was dominated by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria. The hMBfR removed OMPs, allowing for safer water reuse while valorising CH4 and nutrients.
Author Keywords Organic trace chemicals; Methane oxidizing bacteria; Biofilm; Microbial protein; Nutrient recovery; Circular economy
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
EID WOS:001035805500001
WoS Category Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Sciences; Water Resources
Research Area Engineering; Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Water Resources
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