Abstract |
Faced with the transformations of cities due to the introduction of new technologies and the shift in value from infrastructure to ser-vices, city managers are in search of new urban economic models. The current paper examines the development of business model frameworks as a practical tool to assist two cities in assessing busi-ness model efficiency by adapting Business Model Canvas (BMC) components to operationalize sustainable cities. This article defines the business models and their usefulness, pres-ents the requalification of the city of Jijel (Algeria) and the selection of the Canvas business model, explains the model selected for the city of Naples (Italy), and, through these two examples, extrapolates the approach towards the generalization of the tool and the approach, which can be adapted to the local context of each city. That is why the models can act as a management strategy and decision-making sup-port tool with a scientific basis. The findings demonstrate that these business models are a practical tool incorporating all actions and a thorough organizational structure that considers all operations and choices. They offer a framework that facilitates effective communica-tion and sustainable growth. Furthermore, they may promote innova-tive approaches to the creation of sustainable value. |