Abstract |
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a key technology for smart community networks, such as smart-city environments, and its evolution calls for stringent performance requirements (e.g., low delay) to support efficient communication among a wide range of objects, including people, sensors, vehicles, etc. At the same time, these ecosystems usually adopt wireless mesh technology to extend their communication range in large-scale IoT deployments. However, due to the high range of coverage, the smart-city WMNs may face different network challenges according to the network characteristic, for example, (i) areas that include a significant number of wireless nodes or (ii) areas with frequent dynamic changes such as link failures due to unstable topologies. Named-Data Networking (NDN) can enhance WMNs to meet such IoT requirements, thanks to the content naming scheme and in-network caching, but it necessitates adaptability to the challenging conditions of WMNs. In this work, we aim at efficient end-to-end NDN communication in terms of performance (i.e., delay), performing extended experimentation over a real WMN, evaluating and discussing the benefits provided by two SDN-based NDN strategies: (1) a dynamic SDN-based solution that integrates the NDN operation with the routing decisions of a WMN routing protocol; (2) a static one which based on SDN-based clustering and real WMN performance measurements. Our key contributions include (i) the implementation of two types of NDN path selection strategies; (ii) experimentation and data collection over the w-iLab.t Fed4FIRE+ testbed with real WMN conditions; (ii) real measurements released as open-data, related to the performance of the wireless links in terms of RSSI, delay, and packet loss among the wireless nodes of the corresponding testbed. |