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Scientific Article details

Title Co-production in public management: a case study towards a smart city
ID_Doc 38587
Authors Schreiner, T; Poleza, M; da Costa, EM
Title Co-production in public management: a case study towards a smart city
Year 2021
Published International Journal Of Knowledge-Based Development, 12, 1
DOI 10.1504/IJKBD.2021.119046
Abstract This paper aims to analyse an initiative of a multidisciplinary group that co-produced guidelines for interventions in a public park, under the lens of the multidimensional smart city framework proposed by Yigitcanlar et al. (2018). For this analysis we used the action research method to collectively create solutions for this city asset. With the results, it is possible to state that the group's work took place as a collective co-production. Regarding the framework proposal, the community represented the mobilising force which contributed to another driver's development, public policies; whereas the technology aspect had a modest representation as a tool. In the group members evaluation, the perceived value of collective work stood out. The action research methodology was adequate, converging with the co-production and smart cities stages presented in the literature.
Author Keywords co-production; smart cities; public management; citizen engagement; action research; collaborative work; common good; multidimensional smart cities framework; urban development; Parque da Luz; Florianopolis; Santa Catarina Island; Brazil
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
EID WOS:000720445900002
WoS Category Urban Studies
Research Area Urban Studies
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