Abstract |
The article uses the case study of a polycentric metropolitan area as a starting point for a debate about the available tools for managing the network aspects of intelligent cities. We show that the construction of talents, the development of knowledge among officials and inhabitants, and technological tools such as Hubgrade (which allows for heat delivery process control, supervision, inspection, and results in emission reduction) are prerequisites for the sustainable development of cities. It is critical to understand that technological solutions are insufficient to accomplish such a task. Relevant stakeholders need to consciously take advantage of technological tools and build and utilise 4T potential and the self-learning capabilities of the organisations. An inherent feature of an organisation, such as a city, is cooperation between the people who build it. The main challenges of cities includes the reduction of pollutants resulting from the use of transport, heat sources, or energy production. In many cities, an efficient manner of reducing carbon dioxide emissions is to limit the consumption of thermal energy. In order to simultaneously maintain thermal comfort, in this situation, it is necessary to use intelligent technologies. The paper includes research related to the knowledge and development of 4T potentials (technology, trust, talent, tolerance) and to networking expansion by introducing the automated Hubgrade system, used in Warsaw district heating, into a similar metropolitan area. Along with an increase in the significance of relations, information, and knowledge as a key organisational resource, cities, as organisations, have become an important element of contemporary communities and organisations. They have the possibility of a positive climate change. The possibility of cooperation and networking between people forming an organisation is its inherent feature, such as in the Hubgrade project. Conclusions and recommendations are drawn for the analysed case-linking 4T potentials and the Hubgrade system-with the potential for future generalisations and extrapolations. The authors performed a simulation of possible energy savings and the reduction of harmful emissions in Metropolis GZM. |