Abstract |
The Smart-city phenomenon in transport includes not only telematics for individual transport, clever and dynamic traffic flow management on roads and parking management, but also a strategy for public transport. As part of the smart-city strategies, the overall division of transport work and the urban transport system must be managed as long-term sustainable. In public transport, it is necessary to achieve such a state, where this system will be attractive for passengers. It is necessary to describe and to model traffic flows in the city, and to respond to them through the structural arrangement of the urban public transport system. In this respect, there are considerable differences between smaller towns and larger cities, depending on their size and population. The smaller is the city, the passanger flows are shattered, weaker and less graspable. However, in such a situation, it is necessary to look for tools to create a clever operational concept of urban transport. The article describes possible approaches to optimizing urban bus transport in terms of identifying demand for transport and consequently the principles of creating operational concepts. |