Abstract |
In Indonesia, currently there is a tendency that IoT will be implemented on a large scale to boost smart city development. Meanwhile, Indonesia is expected to experience deficiency of 500 MHz mobile spectrum in 2020. Therefore, the calculation of spectrum for IoT spectrum is urgently needed. This paper aims to calculate the spectrum which is required for IoT services in case of Jakarta Smart City. We use the method of forecasting IoT connected devices then predict the spectrum need with two scenarios. In this paper, we defined 2 scenarios, i.e. ccenario 1 needs 15 - 20 uSec (includes over head time) on data rates 50 Kbps. Meanwhile, scenario 2 needs 8 - 11 uSec on data rates 100 Kbps. On 2025, IoT specrum requirement in case of Jakarta Smart City will grow 17.27%. Regarding to the spectrum need, our work also proposes an IoT model for Jakarta Smart City applications, i.e. one- stop integrated service, UKM portal, e-health apps, e-integrated transport, waste management system, energy management system and integrated environmental information system. From the regulatory point of view, beside the benefits of IoT, there are many challenges which need to regulate such as spectrum allocation for IoT smart city, IoT connection, data privacy protection and security. |