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Scientific Article details

Title Mobile Health and Wellness Applications: A Business Model Ontology-Based Review
ID_Doc 65624
Authors Nikou, S; Bouwman, H
Title Mobile Health and Wellness Applications: A Business Model Ontology-Based Review
Year 2017
Published International Journal Of E-Business Research, 13.0, 1
DOI 10.4018/IJEBR.2017010101
Abstract The rapid-pace development in mobile technology offers tremendous opportunities for both the public and private sector in healthcare domain. Unlike other forms of communications, e.g., the Internet, increasingly ubiquitous use of mobile technology and devices allow mobile health and wellness applications to have a greater impact on how care is delivered. Although, technology is an essential tool for healthcare provision, to fully leverage these opportunities other major issues on the emergence of more patient-centric healthcare solutions need to be addressed. A sustainable business model plays a significant role in exploration and exploitation of mobile health and wellness applications. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic literature review based on a business model ontology, in order to lay the basis for exploitation of these applications. The review shows that the extant literature mainly focuses on the service platforms components of business models and their underlying technological challenges, and that non-technological business model components such as value proposition, organizing and revenue models have not attracted the attention that is deemed necessary for exploitation of mobile health care solutions. This paper cautions that in a highly regulated yet often monopolistic industry such as healthcare, the regulatory and the legal issues must be considered as an external business factors.
Author Keywords Ageing-Adults; Business Model; Healthcare; Mobile Health; Telemedicine; VISOR Framework; Wellness Application
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
EID WOS:000424572900001
WoS Category Business
Research Area Business & Economics
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