Abstract |
Sustainable development and climate change retain stable position in the study process. Technological possibilities and the inventiveness of teaching staff allow combine diverse methods, enabling the students to obtain not only theoretical knowledge, but also strengthen the conviction about the necessity to pursue environmentally friendly lifestyles and introduce green principles in entrepreneurship. The Agenda 21 can be considered as a starting point in terms of pursuing a global model and global action plan of economic and social development. The importance of sustainable development was put on the agenda of many international organisations, not only the United Nations itself, but also governments from all over the world, business organisations, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and also individuals. Since then, sustainable development is perceived as a collective responsibility rather than seen as someone else's. In its essence, sustainable development implies that all economic and technological progress must not jeopardize the survival of society as a whole and in particular put the environment at risk. This remit puts an extraordinary pressure on innovation. It questions business as usual concerning, for instance, public affairs, corporate interests and human behaviours, in general. This will remain a continuous effort as new social and environmental challenges emerge. Original approach to the study process is of vital importance for optimal result. Sustainable development and climate change open wide possibilities of illustrating and presenting comparisons for creative work. To teach sustainable development and climate change we can use models developed by other related disciplines, like ecological economics and environmental economics et al. For teaching Sustainable development and climate change it is of vital importance to apply different methods in order the students would not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also strengthen their confidence about environmentally friendly lifestyle and eco-efficiency principles in business, as well as encourage active involvement in sustainable development processes. This paper provides not only theoretical insight on the problem, but also gives an example of Latvian case in the field of waste management. The authors of the article sharing her teaching and researcher experience and present conclusions and practical samples for perfecting one's knowledge and hope that this experience will be of use for they colleagues and will be grateful for any discussion, criticism and contributions to the topic under discussion. |