Abstract |
Impact investing is 'blended value proposition' that generates a mix of financial, social and environmental values for the investor, organization and businesses. This study aims to explore the factors influencing the Indian investors' intention towards impact investing (II) using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), extended with two constructs, that is, risk perception and internal motivation, to predict such a phenomenon in the Indian context. The data has been collected from 338 Indian investors who primarily engage in impact investing. The collected data have been analysed using two-step structural equation modelling. The findings of this study indicate a positive and significant impact of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control on investors' intention towards impact investing in India. Risk perception has been showed the least positive influence on the investors' intention whereas internal motivation has a highly positive influence on investors' intention to invest for impact. This is the first attempt to measure investors' intentions towards impact investing from the Indian perspective using the TPB model with the extended constructs, that is, risk perception and internal motivation, which is the novelty of this study. This study will help policymakers to take important regulatory measures to build an effective ecosystem for impact investing in India. |