Abstract |
The author considers the ideas of a number of wordly known economists, sociologists and philosophers about the emergence of new socio-economic and civilizational model, which has already started at the turn to the new millenium. As a matter of fact, the existing model of neoliberal, globalized capitalism is to the author's opinion unsustainable over the long period, primarily due to intolerable social polarization and later on because of uncontainable destruction of ecological balance. Besides, the new technological paradigm personified in informatics revolution causes profound changes in forms of economic, political and social life, imposing the formation of new economic, social and ideological paradigm, or the formation of new socio-economic model. There are many ideas, visions, scenarios and the names for this new civilizational model which is looked for: "socio-ecological-market model" (Hans Kueng); "moral capitalism" (Stephen Young); "spiritual capitalism" (Patricia Aburdene); "open society" (George Soros); "informational society" (Manuel Castells); "transnational, cosmopolitan, postmodern society" (Ulrich Beck); "third way" (Antony Giddens); "liberal socialism" (Noam Chomsky); "cybercommunism" (Adolf Dragicevic). Although various authors consider the new socio-economic system in different ways, all these different visions have in common similar fundamental human or ethical principles: social justice, human solidarity and compassion, tolerance, dignity and freedom of human being, equilibrium of individual and social interests, ethnical, cultural and religious pluralism, free development of human creative potentials. Which model will prevail in particular countries will depend upon civilizational tradition and other local specific conditions. The existing model of neoliberal economy and civilization is in evident crisis, and its resolution will be mostly conditioned by maturing of collective consciousness about the necessity of social changes and transformation of this consciousness in massive movement for formation of the new just, human and functional society. |