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Scientific Article details

Title Parfmetric Features And Criteria Of The Development Of The Market For Linear Transportation
ID_Doc 67262
Authors Ilchenko, SV; Mezina, L; Mashkantseva, SA; Larina, TF
Title Parfmetric Features And Criteria Of The Development Of The Market For Linear Transportation
Year 2019
Published Financial And Credit Activity-Problems Of Theory And Practice, 4, 31
Abstract The need to develop scientific regulations is determined by the basic conditions and new trends in the global market for linear technologies, the problems of functioning of maritime transport enterprises on the market of transportation services. The experience of the development of the global maritime market confirms the influence of the number of operators on the economic balance of the subsystem. As the number of shipping and carrier companies increases, the degree of satisfaction of the need for goods transportation according to urgency criteria increases. At the same time, with an increase in the number of shipping companies, competition in the main segments of the freight market intensifies, which ultimately leads to a slowdown in the growth of tariff and charter rates at development stages. Therefore, a relatively low rate of return on capital, especially for vessels with a high level of innovative technologies, remains. The key players in the container market are the state business and diversified business. The conditions of operation of shipping companies within the maritime trade market system are analyzed. An assessment of the development prospects of linear shipping companies in the light of new trends. The process of consolidation of the container technology market is considered and evaluated, and the factors that are not conducive to cartel agreements are highlighted. Criteria features of the positioning of marine transport enterprises are identified. The specifics of competitive positioning of container terminals in the Black Sea-Azov region are noted. The analysis of the working conditions of national stevedoring container operators is conducted and the problems of their competitive positioning on the regional market of linear transportation are revealed. For example, a graphical model showing monthly dynamics of container turnover of Ukrainian ports in 2017 is represented. The parametric features of the functioning of container lines passing through the ports of Ukraine are substantiated. The conditions for achieving the adequacy of the technical and economic level of the national sea trading ports with respect to the requirements of the external system are noted. Thus, an information and logistic model is suggested. It reflects the interconnection between the system parameters affecting the sustainable development of the maritime business in the sector of container technologies. As a result, the conditions for making rational decisions regarding investments of maritime transport enterprises have been substantiated.
Author Keywords container technologies; consolidation influence; monopoly in commercial shipping; investment quality; sea transport enterprises; world container carriers; Black Sea-Azov region; Ukraine container turnover
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
EID WOS:000507543400019
WoS Category Business, Finance
Research Area Business & Economics
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