Abstract |
This paper argues the importance of intermodal freight transport focusing on the different government initiatives to promote rail freight transport and for the improvement of the logistics network in general and develops a model for predicting transport fl ows of goods. An analysis of the demands of current and future transport is the key to determining the potential logistical areas. The case study of the impact of the introduction of the Antequera Dry Port in the region will ultimately determine its existence and location. Growing awareness of the harmful impacts of road transport (environmental, economic and personal) and the required combination of modes of transport have led various administrations to consider alternative methods of freight transport, when planning national and international policies. Above all, using rail and sea to complement road transport. The development of maritime and rail terminals is considered key to overcoming the drawbacks of Andalusian's peripheral location in Europe. The Infrastructure Plan for Sustainable Transport in Andalusia proposes the Antequera Dry Port as a logistic node in the Andalusian Logistic Network ( 2013). Its position at the confluence of the great axis rail freight network (FERRMED) and the Mediterranean rail corridor on its route to Algeciras make it a vital element for the advancement of rail freight transport. Despite efforts in recent years, demand modeling in the field of freight transport is much less developed than the transport of passengers. Mostly the conventional model of classical aggregate four-stage form adapted to the case of goods (Ortuzar and Willumsen, 2008), whose approach involves: Estimation of freight generation and attraction by zones. Distribution of generated volumes to satisfy "trip-end" generation and attraction constraints. The usual methods for this task are linear programming or use of a gravity model. Assignment of origin-destination movements to modes and routes. The Application of this model allows the estimation of future traffic flows between the region of study and different exchange areas analyzing theimpact that the Antequera Dry Port will have on the whole of Andalusia. As a result of the model, it is estimated that freight traffic generated and attracted by the Dry Port for 2020 will reach 750,000 tons/year (28,125 TEUs), about 9 trains daily in both directions. The comparison with the activity of other Spanish dry ports leads to the justification of its existence and location in the municipality of Antequera. Analyzing the effects of the introduction of a dry port in Antequera a number of associated benefits can be seen. From a business point of view, it would be a space for the installation of companies in which they could count all the services of logistics operators and the infrastructure necessary for international expansion. Moreover, its direct connection to the Andalusian ports would increase their capacity and area of influence increasing further its traffic of goods. Another advantage of its collaboration with the Andalusian ports, would be the improvement of the import and export operation and regional and national capillary distribution in its trade with Africa. It is therefore assessed that the impact of the Antequera dry port would be good not only locally, for its effect on business and economic development of Antequera, but also to strengthen the market against the increasingly stringent changes of demands of goods, promoting intermodality, attracting international companies with operations in Spain and enabling the growth of the Andalusian and Spanish logistics systems. |