Abstract |
The modern medical care is evolving to new business models based on telemedicine, thanks to the technological improvement of new measure devices and wireless networks [1]. These new services are merged to a growing concern about illness, where the disease screening or constants measures are essential, like ictus, EPOC, heart diseases or nutritional treatments.[2] On the other hand, the public institutions are also concerned about chronicle and degenerative diseases prevention, as they need to reduce medical costs making the whole system sustainable [3][4]. i.e., according to the study of the University of Navarra, the annual costs of an ictus diseased person are between 10.500 and 25.000 (sic)/year, depending on the patient dependency state [5] The union of telemedicine with this need of screening and prevention makes necessary the collaboration [6] between doctors and pharmacists to grant a quick assistance provided by specialized staff. In the new business model, the role of pharmacies as a link is essential, as they will sure the tests will be done in a right way (they will place the electrodes appropriately in a heart registration or they provide guidelines to do an spirometry); or dued to the pre-validation requirements of some tests that needs to know if the measure is valid. i.e, in electrocardiographic measures, the pharmacist can discern between a correct, a wrong or a noisy test before this measure is sent to the doctors. This process needs to be agile. Then, it is necessary to add telematic tools connecting pharmacies with doctors, like ISIS Health platform [7], that has been used to evaluate cardiac rehabilitation patients [8]. Such platform was born as a tool oriented to chronicle patients for home assistance and it has been adapted to pharmacies as a place to perform some tests that are studied by doctors that make a diagnosis or a screening. ISIS Health platform provides tools for pharmacists and doctors. The pharmacist tool allow to perform tests like EKG Derivations I, II and III, spirometries, a general health report. The platform provides also a tool to get the doctor diagnosis. On the other hand, the doctor tools allows them to create a report analyzing the tests performed in the pharmacies. Currently, ISIS Health has been deployed as a pilot inside CardioFarma program in more than 40 pharmacies, allow testing Derivation II EKG. This heart registers allow the heart disease detection (tachycardia, bradycardia, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and supraventricular and ventricular premature beats). This measures can be employed to the early heart disease prevention or disease screening like ictus, as the atrial fibrillation [6] is one of its main indicators. |