Abstract |
The article justified the increased emotional background and bright contents subnormative content environment of creative teams. These features create problems and risks of non-standard situations in the field of interpersonal communication and actualizes the objectives of the study and harmonization of interpersonal relations in creative teams. Thus, the aim of this work is to find adequate the environment, convenient for a given environment, does not cause rejection in the environment of methods and mechanisms of conflict prevention. The research methodology is based on the works of V.M. Bekhterev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.I. Kopytin, V.I. Petrushina, I.M. Sechenov, V.S. Suarjana, V. Becker-Glosa, E. Kramer. In the choice of instrumental approaches, special attention was paid to the analysis of structural models of conflict V.N. Salenko, modular method of interpersonal conflict A.J. Antsupova, methodology K. Thomas, in terms of diagnosis of predisposition of the individual to conflict behavior. The result of a scientific experiment showed strong positive change in the attitude of the kernel of the conflict to colleagues, harmonization vnutrioblastnoy atmosphere, the enrichment of the corporate culture of the entire organization. Due to the high dynamics of actualization of the information society, and a substantial increase in the share it the creative part in business relations, the scope of this study becomes as a really significant and significant potential interest to institutions that are not monotonous and repetitive nature of the relationship. Conducted scientific experiment has shown that art therapy is a relatively little-known, new and very substantial and effective way of preventing interpersonal conflict and harmonization of sustainable development organizations not only in the sphere of interpersonal relations, but also in other conflict areas of cooperation. |