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Scientific Article details

Title Commentary on 'Look up! Five research proposals for rethinking marketing in a post-growth society': Marketing must reflect on its own evolution in the Anthropocene epoch
ID_Doc 69886
Authors Dekhili, S; Merle, A; Ochs, A
Title Commentary on 'Look up! Five research proposals for rethinking marketing in a post-growth society': Marketing must reflect on its own evolution in the Anthropocene epoch
Year 2024
Published Recherche Et Applications En Marketing-English Edition, 39, 2
DOI 10.1177/20515707241253369
Abstract This article extends R & eacute;my et al.'s proposal. It proposes to consider the evolution of marketing in the Anthropocene epoch in three stages. Firstly, it goes back to the macroeconomic observations and clarify certain assumptions that are wrongly attributed to Dekhili et al.'s vision of sustainable marketing. Secondly, the article develops the framework of what sustainable marketing practices should be for an organization. Finally, it offers pragmatic guidelines for marketing scholars wishing to conduct research projects in the Anthropocene context.
Author Keywords anthropocene; doughnut economics; marketing practices; marketing research; post-growth; sustainable development; sustainable marketing; transformation
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
EID WOS:001243461300001
WoS Category Business
Research Area Business & Economics
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