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Title Analytical Research on Operational Issues of the Remanufacturing Process in India
ID_Doc 70032
Authors Sinha, AK; Rao, PH
Title Analytical Research on Operational Issues of the Remanufacturing Process in India
Year 2023
Published Management And Production Engineering Review, 14, 4
DOI 10.24425/mper.2023.147200
Abstract Environmental awareness among the masses compelled many companies to adopt sustainable practices in their business operations. Remanufacturing is a well-tested and successful business model practiced in many European countries. But in many African and Asian countries, it is still nascent, including India. This research study tries to identify the critical factors in the "Operational Management" area for the viability of remanufacturing business in India. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed based on the important factors identified from the extensive literature review. An online questionnaire survey was conducted among Indian white goods appliance manufacturing companies and their suppliers. The responses were analyzed statistically and ranked based on their criticality in initiating remanufacturing business in India. The findings may help the Indian government and manufacturing firms to frame proper strategies related to the operational management issues of remanufacturing business in India.
Author Keywords Remanufacturing; Barriers; Operational management; Production planning; Assembly and disassembly
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
EID WOS:001165514200011
WoS Category Engineering, Industrial
Research Area Engineering
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