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Scientific Article details

Title Competitive advantage improvement strategy of container shipping industry: case of Indonesia
ID_Doc 77515
Authors Gena, B; Arief, D; Tridoyo, K; Nimmi, Z
Title Competitive advantage improvement strategy of container shipping industry: case of Indonesia
Year 2020
Published International Journal Of Shipping And Transport Logistics, 12, 4
Abstract Several previous studies have discussed the strategy of increasing the competitive advantage of the container shipping industry in a country level. However, it tends to use fragmented strategy approach. This research proposes its novelty using the MBV paradigm and encourages the implementation of a more comprehensive strategy at the national level, industry and corporate level by making SSCM a mediating factor in enhancing the competitive advantage of the industry. This research collected responds from 100 higher management level of business user and actors of Indonesia container shipping industry. This research applies mixed methodology that using structural equation model partial leased square SEM-PLS and qualitative approach through in-depth interview and FGD. This research concludes that, there is three focuses of strategy to develop competitive advantages of container shipping industry in Indonesia: ensuring demand sustainability, increase sustainable supply chain performance and government support through regulation.
Author Keywords container shipping; SEM-PLS; sustainability; competitive advantage; Indonesia
Index Keywords Index Keywords
Document Type Other
Open Access Open Access
Source Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
EID WOS:000552977900003
WoS Category Management; Transportation
Research Area Business & Economics; Transportation
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