Knowledge Agora

Regenerative Economy Challenge

Challenge:    Protection of Marine Ecosystems

     The protection of marine ecosystems is vital for maintaining biodiversity, supporting global fisheries, and ensuring the health of the oceans, which play a critical role in regulating Earth’s climate. Marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, and open oceans, provide habitat and food for countless marine species, many of which are crucial to global food security. However, these ecosystems face numerous threats, including overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change, all of which degrade marine environments and threaten species survival. Protecting marine ecosystems often involves establishing marine protected areas (MPAs), which restrict harmful activities like overfishing, mining, and drilling, allowing habitats and species to recover.
Sustainable fishing practices are essential to prevent overfishing and preserve fish stocks, ensuring that marine species are not harvested faster than they can reproduce. Reducing pollution, particularly plastic waste, is critical, as plastics harm marine life and disrupt ecosystems by contaminating food chains. Coastal habitats like mangroves and coral reefs act as natural buffers against storms and erosion, and their protection helps build resilience to climate impacts, especially in vulnerable coastal communities. Restoration efforts, such as coral reef restoration and mangrove replanting, help rebuild degraded habitats, support biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem services.
International cooperation is key to marine conservation, as oceans span multiple countries and jurisdictions, requiring coordinated efforts to protect marine life effectively. Education and community engagement are essential for marine protection, as local communities play a critical role in managing resources and enforcing conservation practices. Climate change mitigation, including reducing carbon emissions, is also crucial for marine ecosystem health, as warming seas and ocean acidification pose severe risks to coral reefs and marine biodiversity. By prioritizing the protection of marine ecosystems, we help preserve essential biodiversity, promote sustainable fisheries, and safeguard the ecological balance of our planet’s oceans.


Aricles describing Protection of Marine Ecosystems

ID Score Article
73452 0.613 Tubío, A; Pita, P; Barañano, C; Villasante, S A State-of-the-Art Review of Marine Ecosystem Services in the Rias Baixas Natura 2000 Network (Galicia, NW Spain)
10848 0.611 Wang, SH; Li, WY; Xing, L A Review on Marine Economics and Management: How to Exploit the Ocean Well Water, 14, 17
68879 0.599 Gelcich, S; Peralta, L; Donlan, CJ; Godoy, N; Ortiz, V; Tapia-Lewin, S; Vargas, C; Kein, A; Castilla, JC; Fernandez, M; Godoy, F Alternative strategies for scaling up marine coastal biodiversity conservation in Chile
67559 0.587 Ren, WH; Xu, YH; Ni, J Evolution of marine ecology-industry symbiosis patterns and ecological security assessment: New evidence from coastal areas of China
76104 0.552 Scotti, M; Opitz, S; MacNeil, L; Kreutle, A; Pusch, C; Froese, R Ecosystem-based fisheries management increases catch and carbon sequestration through recovery of exploited stocks: The western Baltic Sea case study
65043 0.541 Sander, G European Approaches Support an Essential Definition of Ecosystem-Based Management and Demonstrate Its Implementation for the Oceans
64976 0.526 Bastardie, F; Salvany, L; Cooper, AM; Carvalho, N A roadmap to reduce the risk of overexploiting EU marine living resources in a changing ocean
17218 0.511 Agamuthu, P; Mehran, SB; Norkhairah, A; Norkhairiyah, A Marine debris: A review of impacts and global initiatives Waste Management & Research, 37, 10
64475 0.508 Maas, P; Rousseau, S A social cost-benefit analysis of shellfish beds on the Dutch coast as a nature-based measure against climate change
26448 0.504 Douglas, EJ; Lohrer, AM Utilizing ecosystem services to support restorative marine economies Elementa-Science Of The Anthropocene, 12, 1