Knowledge Agora

Regenerative Economy Challenge

Challenge:    Promoting On-Farm Biodiversity

     Promoting on-farm biodiversity is essential for creating resilient, sustainable agricultural systems that benefit both the environment and farmers. Diverse farms that incorporate multiple crop species, trees, and animals are better able to withstand pests, diseases, and climate variations, as biodiversity naturally enhances ecosystem stability. Crop rotation and intercropping are effective ways to boost biodiversity on farms, reducing the need for chemical inputs by breaking pest cycles and enhancing soil health. Planting hedgerows, wildflower strips, and cover crops supports pollinators, beneficial insects, and soil organisms, which are crucial for healthy crop production. Integrated pest management (IPM) on biodiverse farms helps control pests naturally by fostering habitats for predator species, reducing reliance on pesticides.
Agroforestry systems, which integrate trees and shrubs with crops and livestock, promote biodiversity by providing shelter, food, and nesting sites for various wildlife species. Diversified livestock grazing with different animal species also contributes to on-farm biodiversity, as each species interacts differently with the land, supporting diverse plant growth and soil conditions. Biodiversity on farms contributes to soil regeneration, as various plant root systems improve soil structure and organic matter content. Farmers benefit economically as well, as diverse farms can yield multiple products, creating varied income sources and reducing financial risk. By promoting on-farm biodiversity, we enhance agricultural resilience, improve ecological health, and contribute to long-term food security.


Aricles describing Promoting On-Farm Biodiversity

ID Score Article
69432 0.566 Ryan, J; Mellish, S; Dorrian, J; Winefield, T; Litchfield, C Effectiveness of biodiversity-conservation marketing Conservation Biology, 34.0, 2
70683 0.563 Spiegal, S; Bestelmeyer, BT; Archer, DW; Augustine, DJ; Boughton, EH; Boughton, RK; Cavigelli, MA; Clark, PE; Derner, JD; Duncan, EW; Hapeman, CJ; Harmel, RD; Heilman, P; Holly, MA; Huggins, DR; King, K; Kleinman, PJA; Liebig, MA; Locke, MA; McCarty, GW; Millar, N; Mirsky, SB; Moorman, TB; Pierson, FB; Rigby, JR; Robertson, GP; Steiner, JL; Strickland, TC; Swain, HM; Wienhold, BJ; Wulfhorst, JD; Yost, MA; Walthall, CL Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of US agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network Environmental Research Letters, 13, 3
66385 0.549 Leakey, RRB A re-boot of tropical agriculture benefits food production, rural economies, health, social justice and the environment Nature Food, 1, 5
79360 0.548 Ziegler, R; Balzac-Arroyo, J; Hölsgens, R; Holzgreve, S; Lyon, F; Spangenberg, JH; Thapa, PP Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges
64535 0.541 Báldi, A; Öllerer, K; Wijkman, A; Brunori, G; Máté, A; Batáry, P Roadmap for transformative agriculture: From research through policy towards a liveable future in Europe
14324 0.534 van Bueren, ETL; Struik, PC; van Eekeren, N; Nuijten, E Towards resilience through systems-based plant breeding. A review Agronomy For Sustainable Development, 38, 5
64333 0.534 Trivellas, P; Mavrommati, S; Anastasopoulou, A; Grapas, C; Kallikantzarou, E Agro living Labs: Creating innovative, sustainable, resilient and social inclusive food systems
75749 0.53 Groth-Joynt, TM; Curtis, A; Mendham, E; Toman, E Does rural landowner identity shape the adoption of sustainable farming practices? Australasian Journal Of Environmental Management, 27, 3
15833 0.529 Markiewicz-Keszycka, M; Carter, A; O'Brien, D; Henchion, M; Mooney, S; Hynds, P Pro-environmental diversification of pasture-based dairy and beef production in Ireland, the United Kingdom and New Zealand: a scoping review of impacts and challenges
69008 0.522 Jacquet, F; Jeuffroy, MH; Jouan, J; Le Cadre, E; Litrico, I; Malausa, T; Reboud, X; Huyghe, C Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research Agronomy For Sustainable Development, 42, 1
14065 0.522 Garrett, RD; Ryschawy, J; Bell, LW; Cortner, O; Ferreira, J; Garik, AVN; Gil, JDB; Klerkx, L; Moraine, M; Peterson, CA; dos Reis, JC; Valentim, JF Drivers of decoupling and recoupling of crop and livestock systems at farm and territorial scales Ecology And Society, 25, 1
73933 0.521 Firbank, LG; Elliott, J; Field, RH; Lynch, JM; Peach, WJ; Ramsden, S; Turner, C Assessing the performance of commercial farms in England and Wales: Lessons for supporting the sustainable intensification of agriculture Food And Energy Security, 7, 4
73036 0.518 Ofori, DA; Gyau, A; Dawson, IK; Asaah, E; Tchoundjeu, Z; Jamnadass, R Developing more productive African agroforestry systems and improving food and nutritional security through tree domestication
26063 0.51 Sautier, M; Chiron, P Challenges and opportunities for reducing anthelmintic use in ruminant livestock systems: Insights from a sheep farmer survey in France
75884 0.509 Beck-O'Brien, M; Bringezu, S Biodiversity Monitoring in Long-Distance Food Supply Chains: Tools, Gaps and Needs to Meet Business Requirements and Sustainability Goals Sustainability, 13, 15