Knowledge Agora

Regenerative Economy Challenge

Challenge:    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration

     Biodiversity and ecosystem restoration are critical for maintaining the health and resilience of our planet’s natural systems. Biodiversity— the variety of life in ecosystems—supports essential functions, like pollination, water purification, and soil fertility, which are crucial for human survival. Ecosystem restoration focuses on reversing environmental degradation by rebuilding habitats, reintroducing native species, and improving natural processes that support biodiversity. Protecting diverse habitats, such as forests, wetlands, and coral reefs, is vital, as each supports unique species and provides valuable ecosystem services. Deforestation, pollution, and urban development have led to habitat loss and species decline, making restoration efforts more urgent than ever.
Restoration techniques, such as reforestation, wetland recovery, and coral reef rehabilitation, aim to restore these ecosystems to their natural states. Restoring ecosystems also plays a role in climate regulation, as healthy forests, grasslands, and wetlands act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO₂ from the atmosphere. Engaging local communities in restoration projects is key, as their knowledge and participation enhance the sustainability and success of these efforts. Policies that incentivize landowners to protect and restore natural habitats can further accelerate restoration initiatives. Through biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, we not only protect wildlife but also create a healthier, more balanced environment that benefits both humans and nature.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration Sub challenges


Aricles describing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration

ID Score Article
79507 0.638 Harrington, R; Anton, C; Dawson, TP; de Bello, F; Feld, CK; Haslett, JR; Kluvánkova-Oravská, T; Kontogianni, A; Lavorel, S; Luck, GW; Rounsevell, MDA; Samways, MJ; Settele, J; Skourtos, M; Spangenberg, JH; Vandewalle, M; Zobel, M; Harrison, PA Ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation: concepts and a glossary Biodiversity And Conservation, 19.0, 10
79511 0.611 McElwee, P; Turnout, E; Chiroleu-Assouline, M; Clapp, J; Isenhour, C; Jackson, T; Kelemen, E; Miller, DC; Rusch, G; Spangenberg, JH; Waldron, A; Baumgartner, RJ; Bleys, B; Howard, MW; Mungatana, E; Ngo, H; Ring, I; Santos, R Ensuring a Post-COVID Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss One Earth, 3.0, 4
63615 0.609 Cliquet, A; Aragao, A; Meertens, M; Schoukens, H; Decleer, K The negotiation process of the EU Nature Restoration Law Proposal: bringing nature back in Europe against the backdrop of political turmoil? Restoration Ecology, 32, 5
79403 0.578 Spangenberg, JH Biodiversity pressure and the driving forces behind Ecological Economics, 61.0, 1
79422 0.577 Spangenberg, JH Supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework Monitoring with LUI, the Land Use Intensity Indicator Land, 12.0, 4
67985 0.575 Leemans, R Modelling for species and habitats: new opportunities for problem solving Science Of The Total Environment, 240, 1-3
69190 0.567 Molotoks, A; Stehfest, E; Doelman, J; Albanito, F; Fitton, N; Dawson, TP; Smith, P Global projections of future cropland expansion to 2050 and direct impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage Global Change Biology, 24, 12
33304 0.56 Wood, GV; Filbee-Dexter, K; Coleman, MA; Valckenaere, J; Aguirre, JD; Bentley, PM; Carnell, P; Dawkins, PD; Dykman, LN; Earp, HS; Ennis, LB; Francis, P; Franco, JN; Hayford, H; Lamb, JB; Ling, SD; Layton, C; Lis, E; Masters, B; Miller, N; Moore, PJ; Neufeld, C; Pocklington, JB; Smale, D; Stahl, F; Starko, S; Steel, SC; Verbeek, J; Vergés, A; Wilding, CM; Wernberg, T Upscaling marine forest restoration: challenges, solutions and recommendations from the Green Gravel Action Group
79399 0.56 Omann, I; Stocker, A; Jäger, J Climate change as a threat to biodiversity: An application of the DPSIR approach Ecological Economics, 69.0, 1
5814 0.56 Alba-Patiño, D; Carabassa, V; Castro, H; Gutiérrez-Briceño, I; García-Llorente, M; Giagnocavo, C; Gómez-Tenorio, M; Cabello, J; Aznar-Sánchez, JA; Castro, AJ Social indicators of ecosystem restoration for enhancing human wellbeing
64891 0.557 Kougioumoutzis, K; Kokkoris, IP; Panitsa, M; Kallimanis, A; Strid, A; Dimopoulos, P Plant Endemism Centres and Biodiversity Hotspots in Greece Biology-Basel, 10.0, 2
79492 0.555 Turnhout, E; McElwee, P; Chiroleu-Assouline, M; Clapp, J; Isenhour, C; Kelemen, E; Jackson, T; Miller, DC; Rusch, GM; Spangenberg, JH; Waldron, A Enabling transformative economic change in the post-2020 biodiversity agenda Conservation Letters, 14.0, 4
64423 0.555 Hermoso, V; Carvalho, SB; Giakoumi, S; Goldsborough, D; Katsanevakis, S; Leontiou, S; Markantonatou, V; Rumes, B; Vogiatzakis, IN; Yates, KL The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Opportunities and challenges on the path towards biodiversity recovery
79485 0.541 Shmelev, SE; Agbleze, L; Spangenberg, JH Multidimensional Ecosystem Mapping: Towards a More Comprehensive Spatial Assessment of Nature's Contributions to People in France Sustainability, 15.0, 9
71277 0.54 Di Minin, E; Macmillan, DC; Goodman, PS; Escott, B; Slotow, R; Moilanen, A Conservation Businesses and Conservation Planning in a Biological Diversity Hotspot Conservation Biology, 27.0, 4