Abstract |
In our cities, which are constantly changing and developing, sustainable development models should beimplemented in order to combat urban challenges such as rapid urbanization, migration, disasters, epidemics etc.Urban transformation applications, which came to the agenda with the Law No. 6306, are among the methods ofstruggling with difficulties. In order to construct and discuss the relationship between urban transformationapplication areas and smart city strategies, Esenler District, which came to the fore with its unplanned constructionand property problems, was chosen as the study area. Analytical hierarchy process was used to measure thesmartness potential of Esenler District, one of the largest districts in the Istanbul metropolitan area. In theworkshops and interviews held within the scope of the study, the problem areas and important concepts related to smart cities determined by the experts have made a great contribution to the measurement of the smartness potentialof Esenler District. The current situation of Esenler District, which has taken the first and major step towardsreaching smart cities in Turkey, has been revealed and it has been evaluated whether the district has sufficientinfrastructure for smart transformation. When the radar chart created as a result of the study is examined, it is seenthat the smart governance component received the highest score with 2.72 points. The smart life component is 2.40,the smart environment component is 2.24, the smart economy component is 2.04, the smart people component is1.90 and the smart mobility component is 1.88 points outs of 5.00 points. In this study, the reproduction of theareas, with smart solutions in Esenler, is discussed and the positive and negative aspects of the project planned tobe implemented are revealed |